Monday, June 16, 2008

Spin Me a Yarn

I've decided that yarn is a gateway drug. I learned how to knit about 4 years ago, and it has taken over many hours of my life, an enormous number of my brain cells, and not a small amount of my apartment's closet space.

Lately, because I don't have enough nonsense going on, I've become somewhat obsessed interested in the idea of spinning. I blame this partly on the internet, because you can type in any subject you're interested in, and the most fabulous information and pictures are at your fingertips. A friend said that she knew this was coming as soon as she heard that I had dyed my own yarn.

So, I gave in to temptation, and because I have neither limitless funds nor space, I decided to try the whole thing out with a spindle rather than a wheel.

I purchased both a kick spindle and a regular spindle from Heavenly Handspinning, a company that comes very highly praised by those in the know, and my experience with them was excellent. In only a few days, my precious package arrived; I had also ordered some lovely roving, which arrived the following day.

I unpacked my treasures, and began to "spin":

Hmmmm...not as easy as it looks. There are tons of videos available about how to do this, and some of them look like magicians as they spin - it's really amazing. I am not a terribly coordinated person (I often bump into walls trying to take a corner too quickly) so I thought the kick spindle would be a good fit for me. It works pretty well, and I have been doing a little every day. I rolled my attempts onto a cardboard tube, and you can see the progression from really lumpy and uneven on the right to less lumpy (but still uneven) on the left:

I've been doing a little bit every day, and I know I'm improving. I don't know if you can call the finished product yarn, but it's definitely more yarnlike than the fluff I started with, so I guess we'll call that progress!


Bezzie said...

Very cool! Yeah I'm not very coordinated in the spindle department. Those videos aren't much help either, unless you count making me feel inferior!

ZantiMissKnit said...

It looks really good! Spinning takes lots of time and practice to really kick in. I've had my wheel for 1.5 years and I'm only just getting to the point where I can spin a decent amount of useable yarn. I just got a spindle less than a month ago and am getting the hang of it.