Monday, January 12, 2009

Holiday Lessons Learned

Well, although the holidays are officially over, I seem to still be celebrating them. Of course, by "celebrating" I mean carrying around the several extra pounds I managed to pack on in a breathtakingly short amount of time.

I am a person with absolutely no self-control when it comes to delicious (but completely horrendous for me) food. Armed with this knowledge, I do my best to avoid bringing such food into my home. This plan works pretty well the majority of the time, and then the holidays hit. Not only do people bring me wonderful things to eat, but I make candy for friends and family. Thus, my generally ascetic kitchen cabinets are filled for several weeks with crunchy, salty, fatty, sweet, delicious, awesomely awful for me tidbits. And, shockingly, when I eat this food all day long, my pants no longer fit.

My solution to all of this was to take out about 19 yoga/pilates DVD's from the library. Unfortunately said solution has not involved placing any of these DVD's into the player and actually doing any exercise. Is it odd that I'm shocked when the scale continues to read the same number every morning?

Also, on a related note, eggnog makes an awesome coffee creamer. Just thought you'd like to know.

1 comment:

Bezzie said...

Yes, I agree. I think a portion of my post-preg pounds are actually holiday eating. But at least I can blame the baby this year ;-)