Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Throes of August

Well, summer has really hit with a vengeance these last couple of days, and Chez Necessity is rather warm. When I say rather warm, what I really mean is really freakin' hot. Our fans have been running full blast, but they can only do so much. Luckily, tomorrow is supposed to be a much cooler 89 degrees, and, because life is relative, I'm really looking forward to it.

I put a couple of cards together, but probably should have done Christmas cards to try to fool myself into being cool.


Bezzie said...

Nice cards!

I refuse to acknowledge 89 as "cooler" though!

The Professor said...

"Tarzan couldn't stand this kind of hot."

grmybmy said...

I'm being decadent and working on the veil in the BR with the AC on. We were hoping for the beach, but they are talking t-storms...