So, yesterday Miss Serious needed a sweater to match a skirt she was wearing. She hunted through my closet, and came up with one that I knit a while back. It looked great on her, and I offered to make her one, but then realized I had no idea where the pattern was. I had downloaded it ages ago, but I did remember that I posted it on this blog, so I decided to do some digging. I scrolled back for several years of posts, and realized I had forgotten how long I had written this blog. It made me laugh and cry, remembering funny things my children did when they were young, and sad things that broke my heart. I've never been one to keep a journal, but it made me understand why people do - it's a treat to have a record of all the quirks and foibles of life. All the things that I was sure, at the time, that I would never forget, were so easily replaced by other memories that were also forgotten disturbingly quickly.
Writing is one of those things that I often think would be a wonderful thing to do. Unfortunately, I rarely get past the thinking stage. I have read countless books about writing, and spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about writing, but barely any time actually writing. Maybe this is the extent of any writing I will do, but maybe that will be enough.