but I have been uncharacteristically quiet. I've been doing lots of professional development at MY NEW SCHOOL (still awfully exciting!!), and my brain has been unable to focus when I'm home because the heat turned me into a soggy puddle of stupidity. This last couple of weeks have just about done me in, and I was ready to grab an air conditioner (or three!), but The Professor stayed strong and we are still air conditioner free. It is rather distressing and disheartening, however, that we're trying so hard to be green by not using a tiny window air conditioner while every day the news greets me with how many days bajillions of gallons of oil have been pouring into the Gulf of Mexico...
Despite the heat, we've been busy and enjoying the summer. We visited some family in PA and had a lovely time - we hit Longwood Gardens which is just too beautiful for words - this is Big Trouble and me kicking back and enjoying the peaceful gorgeousness of it all.

I've been working on my blanket (even finished another sock), and trying to read all my math books. I got to see the classroom I'll be in, which was really neat. It's such a change to work for a wealthy district - when I taught upstate, I had to buy tons of supplies myself, including a rug for my classroom (which a fifth grader promptly vomited on).
During our writing training this week, a couple of books were mentioned which would be good resources. I promptly wrote them down in my little notebook to check out from the library, but then the principal asked who wanted them, and will order sets for each of us. A far cry from me having to give lessons to my fourth graders on how to properly use tissues so as not to waste the small supply we had of them.....
I hope you have a GREAT school year, and all the tissues you need, and maybe some great students that you can blog about---anonymously, of course...
I've missed ya! Glad to see you!
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