Thursday, January 21, 2010


This year Big Trouble joined the Cub Scouts.  So far it has required very little on our parts (except for the $65 I had to spend on a shirt and patches....) as the meetings are only once or twice a month, and are held at the church just down the street. There has been some parade marching, and a popcorn sale, but we took all of that easily in stride.

That all changed this week however, with the email that came entitled "Cabin Campout".  It seems that the Cub Scouts are going camping this weekend; they will be staying in cabins, so everyone will be warm and snug at night.  The best part of this scenario for me is that the Cub Scouts require everyone to have a parent companion, and I'm not it!!! The Professor has that gig, so he will be accompanying eleventy million little boys into the woods. 

The daytime activities include a hike and a Nerf Gun fight.  We don't own a Nerf Gun, but apparently we will soon be the proud owners of two of them, as the adult helper is also involved in said Nerf Gun fight.  The kids are required to have safety goggles for the activity, and when I mentioned this fact to Big Trouble, he announced that he had formed a strategy.  I asked him what that was, and he calmly replied "I'm going to shoot everyone in the safety goggles." 

Ah, the lessons a young boy takes from Cub Scouts....

1 comment:

grmybmy said...

And this weekend is approaching very soon! Maybe another spa day in the offing?