Thursday, May 21, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

I know, I know - it's been a while. And a few interesting things have happened. Miss Serious made her first Communion, for which she was very excited. I think she was worried about doing the procedure wrong, so for the beginning of the service she was pretty tightly wound (MissSerious? No...). After she went up, she was her old self, and was able to crack a smile or two. We had a nice morning, rounded out by breakfast at the diner with the grandparents. I told her she could choose anywhere she wanted to go, and the diner was the unequivocal choice. I suppose I should just be grateful it wasn't Costco....

I continue my job hunt, such as it is. I hate this part - when you just keep sending out applications and not hearing a word. I know it's very early, but I am not one who likes the lack of control over the whole process. And even though I spent about 6 zillion hours and a whole lotta brain cells filling out the NYC application, I received a charming email last week informing me that due to budget cuts, city schools were only going to be able to hire from within, except for schools opened in the last couple of years. Great. Previously, the thought in my head ran, "Well, if I don't find anything around here, at least I could teach in the Bronx." Alas, it is not to be. Oh well, onward and upward.


Bezzie said...

Oh man, I totally remember my First Communion--and worrying about where to put my hands...was it supposed to be right hand in left hand? Left hand in right hand? Which hand to I then pick up the Host with? Should I skip the wine? Ewww...I hate wine. But cool--wine! I'm in 2nd grade!

It's a lot to think about. I can identify! :-)

Good luck w/the job hunt. I think you're a little too north to commute to Jersey. I only ever see districts south of us hiring...

Bezzie said...

Hey, Dr. MS brought this article to my attention:

What gives with that? Are those 330 considered "within?" I have strong opinions about this program.