These passed the time nicely, and now I have a pair of fingerless gloves to replace the ones eaten by moths. Sadly, they don't really match my coat; my coat is brown, although this morning in the car when discussing the fact that these gloves don't quite match my coat, The Professor announced, "Of course they don't - that coat (mind you, I was wearing it at the time) is green." This coat is clearly brown. Then, to add to the strangeness, Miss Serious agreed with him. Big Trouble sided with me. I'm still somewhat floored by the debate, as the COAT IS BROWN, but unfortunately a different brown than the gloves - apparently a more greeny version of brown, if some people are to be believed.
I used Knitpicks Palette, and went up a needle size from what was called for in the pattern; I tend to be a tight knitter, so this was to be expected. I really liked the yarn for this kind of work; it wasn't splitty and showed great stitch definition. I thought it might be a little scratchy to wear, but it's not, and it's very warm.
I'm always grateful when I'm pleased with a finished project; sadly, many things have come off the needles only to be put away in a drawer because something is not quite right about them. I wore these today, and as long as the moths don't get ahold of them, they'll get a lot of use. (Even if my coat is green.....)
OK, I looked at the coat again in the closet... and it is brown.
Honestly, in the car it totally looked green to me. A trick of the light? Does a brown coat against a gray background look green? Was the green hat you were wearing bleeding it's greenness downward?
Now you know why I ask you what color my socks are.
I think they'd match a green brown coat just fine. I like them! Chocolate strawberry endpapers!
I love them!
How odd. What does TP have to say about your eye color? Or his, for that matter? Nice gloves, in any color! GB
Funny that MN's eye color should be mentioned, because her eyes are green and brown. I can't be wrong (at least about that)!
As for my own eye, these days they are red. Too much computer and too little sleep.
Oh, MN, they are LOVELY! If you would ever like to commission a pair, you have my email. My mother said she won't knit patterns. :(
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