Apparently this time of year, thousands of hawks are migrating, and they are tracking up to 1,000 a day. Unfortunately, because of the cloud cover (nice for us because it wasn't too hot) you couldn't see any of them. We didn't mind, but I did feel for all of those poor souls with their giant cameras and bird watching equipment.
They also had a fabulous face (or arm) painting area, and the kids were thrilled to get painted up; Miss Serious was especially glad that glitter was involved - she is, after all, all about the sparkly.
The kids also got to play games, make crafts, decorate a cookie, and each got prizes at the end. The best part about all of this was that it was included in admission! I've become so weary of attending events, paying admission, and then all the activities are extra. I feel nickel-and-dimed to death everywhere I go, and am forced to become the mean mommy who keeps saying no all the time. What a pleasure to not have to do any of that!
Imagine our surprise, when the next morning, we saw this on the top of our building:
Big Trouble, Miss Serious, and I looked at this hawk through our binoculars for about 10-15 minutes. We think that it was a young red-tailed hawk. The brown on the outside of the wings and white breast with big black speckles were consistent with that coloring. Also, when the bird spread its wings, we saw a striped pattern underneath. Our estimates for its size fit the bill, too. Tremendously cool!
I love bird watching, and it's even cooler when the birds are predators like hawks are!
Go visit Oma--you can stand on her lanai up on the 5th floor, and the osprey comes by so close you can count the feathers! Pretty exciting! Love, Grmybmy
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